Monday, October 22, 2007

"Are you a doctor...?"

"Your face, my thane, is as a book where Men may read strange matters."
--William Shakespeare in “Macbeth”.

Human beings possess three bodies. First, there is the physical body, which you can see and is tangible. It is solid and has a shape, a color and a texture. The second and third bodies are the mental and the spiritual which are intangible and merge with the physical body. Our true nature begins to take on a physical form in our face. It is where our emotions and our state of health are first revealed.

With this prolouge...
I was dazed when I was asked "Are you a doctor?" by two people whom I have never met before in the past two days.One who asked me was a patient when I visited the doctor for my ailment (Funny!).Another was an infy girl who travelled with me in the train.

Well...Iam not sure if my face reflected the looks of a physician.Anyway it was one incident that made me think about face reading toady.

1 comment:

Naveenan Ramachandran said...

Agree with you that the face is the index of the mental make up ...

Dr. Jayashree !!! Actually sounds good !!!